Semi-classical analysis seminar (Fall 2022)

Time: Fridays at 2pm

Location: Evans 730

Date Speaker Title and Abstract (click to show) References
September 9th Yonah Quantitative Defect Measures, Abstract
Background on defect measures see
  1. [Chapter 5, Zworski 2012] or
  2. [Section 7, Nonnenmacher 2019]
September 23rd Izak $S_\delta$ symbols for Toeplitz operators, Abstract
  1. my probabilistic Weyl-law paper
  2. my exotic calculus paper
  3. book on Berezin-Toeplitz operators: [Le Floch 2018]
  4. complex stationary phase: [Chapter 10, Treves 1981]
September 30th Zhongkai Resonances for dynamical zeta functions, Abstract
  1. Dynamical zeta functions for Anosov flows via microlocal analysis -- Dyatlov and Zworski 2013 (arXiv:1306.4203)
  2. Pollicott-Ruelle resonances for open systems -- Dyatlov and Guillarmou (arXiv:1410.5516)
  3. [Appendix E of Dyatlov and Zworski scattering text]
October 7th Zhongkai Continuation from previous week
October 14th Yonah Quantum Open Systems and the Lindblad Equation, Abstract
  1. Open quantum systems. An introduction -- Rivas and Huelga (arXiv:1104.5242)
  2. Semiclassical Lindblad master equation for spin dynamics -- Dubois, Saalmann, and Rost (arXiv:2101.10700)
  3. On the generators of quantum dynamical semigroups -- Lindblad (Springer)
October 19th Izak Asymptotic expansions of kernels of Toeplitz operators, Abstract
  1. my exotic calculus paper
October 27th Shi-Zhuo A nonlinear Price's law, Abstract
  1. A sharp version of Price's law for wave decay on asymptotically flat spacetimes -- Peter Hintz (arXiv:2004.01664)
  2. Pointwise decay for the wave equation on nonstationary spacetimes -- Shi-Zhuo Looi (arXiv:2105.02865)